Removing the garbage files can regain a great amount of valuable disk space on your hard drive. Getting rid of junk files is a good place to start with! Generally, lot of apps take up unneeded space with their temporary files stored on your system. It targets potential privacy invaders and clean cookies, web storage, DOM storage to protect your data from prying eyes. By analyzing and destroying internet information that track your usage & your online movements. On the main screen, tap on Privacy Scan option which offers a one-stop way to mitigate common privacy concerns.
How does privacy scan fix vulnerabilities on my Mac? Below that you will find Extensions, where you can exclude folders, files and paths which you don't want to scan for deletion. You can customize file size according to your needs & requirements. Under that heading you will see categories like Movies, Photos, Music, Documents, Archives and other files that are in use. Yes, you can under M圜leanMac's Preferences option, find Disk Usage menu.
Frequently Asked Questions Can I delete files based on size?